Animation created by MotionIsland on: July17, 2017
Animation Description:
Here is an awesome After Effects template showing multiple ways to show facebook text messages / messenger on your video projects.
Option A looks like the screen of your phone's facebook messenger app. The conversation messages are displayed one by one in an interactive way, as if the conversation is happening now.
Option B is more of a "zoomed" effect. The chat bubbles appear alone and much larger. This option is great to show the importance of a conversation or for viewers to focus on the content.
Option C looks like the facebook pop-up chat on your personal computer. The chat box is at the bottom of what would be your desktop or facebook page.
Technical Info: Music and Background footage doesn't belong to me so they are not included in the After Effects projects.
Features: - No plug in required. - Universal Expression - Easy to replace text in bubble, auto expand text to fit in bubble
If you have any other question feel free to contact me here.