Unicorn Animation created by MotionIsland on: April 24, 2018
Animation Description: Galloping running Unicorn with rainbow hair and tail, and gold horn (Alicorn) and gold hooves. Unicorns are a special ethereal mythical creature and have gained much popularity in recent years. National Unicorn day is even April 9th! So let a little bit of magic into your life with this majestic creature.
This animation was made frame by frame in Illustrator and After Effects and has a total of 12 frames. When you purchase the After effects project, you get the illustrator source file so you can customize the customize to your need. If you don't need the source file, you can get this Unicorn footage for a lower price. Feel free to contact me here if you have any questions. Purchase options - Quicktime Video only (with alpha channel) or - After Effects Projects Animation with Illustrator frames.