Kid Tricycle Animation

Animation created by Motion Island on: May 10, 2017 

Animation Description:

This stick figure on a tricycle is a loop animation that can be used for videos, infographics and presentations. The stick figure is a toddler or small child peddling on a tricycle bike with basket or container in the back. The simple version of this animation is black and white with a simple stick figure. In the second version, the figure is clothed and in full color.

Animation Ideal for a bike shop, bike events, children's activities, summer, exercise, toddler toys, children, etc.

2 Options Available to purchase below
- 2 Footage (Black&White and Color) with transparent background
- After Effects project file with both Black&White and Colored version



Quicktime Footage:

Video Format:

Codec Format: Animation

Alpha Channel: Yes

Resolution: 1920x1080 (16:9)

Frame Rate: 29.97

Each Clip Length: 9 Seconds

Loop Cycle: Yes

Download File size: 19Mb

Download File Format: Zip File

After Effect Project:

After Effect Version:

Resolution: 1920x1080 (16:9)

Plug in required: No
( I used DUIK but you wont need the plug-in installed)

Frame Rate: 29.97

Download File size: 19Mb

Download File Format: Zip File



$ 9.00

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