Animation created by Motion Island on: May 12, 2016
Animation Description: 20 Lower thirds made in Adobe After Effects to make your video more professional and slick. The lower thirds colors, shapes and text can be customize to your taste.
1 - Airstrike lower third (the number one in a quadrant box)
2 - Golf lower third (the number one in a circle)
3 - News lower third (Three bars crossed out)
4 - Streetcar lower third (two diagonal bars)
5 - Snake lower third (Snake circling the Boss)
6 - Rectangle Lower Third (Rectangle circling itself)
7 - Straight line Lowerthird (Horizontal Line reveal Title)
8 - Z snake Lowerthird
9 - Simple Rectangles Lowerthird
10 - Double Vertical Line Lowerthird
11 - Wave Lower Third
12 - Appearing Lower Third (fades in)
13 - Mirror Lower Third
14 - Squares Flies Lower Third
15 - Trendy Lower Third (multicolored
16 - Banner flag Lower Third (drop down)
17 - Rainbow beats Lower Third
18 - Rainbow pulse Lower Third
19 - Aero Lower Third
20 - Flower Lower Third