Beach Background Animation Template For Kids

Beach Animation created by MotionIsland on: April 8th, 2020

Animation Description:
Above an animated beach background animation made for kids in After Effects. A very common background for kids with palm trees, sand dunes, a shining sun and rays of lights turning around the sun, with cloud passing by. 


  1. You can get the after effects project and customize it for your project need.
  2. You can download only the video is you don't need to customize it




Quicktime Footage:

Video Format:

Codec Format: MP4

Compression: H264

Alpha Channel: No

Resolution: 1920x1080  (16:9)

Frame Rate: 29.97

Music: Not provided

Time Length: 30 Seconds

Download File size: 69Mb

Download File Format: Zip File

AE Project Details:

After Effect Version:

- 2019
- CC15x
- CC14x

3840x2160 (16:9)

Plug in required: No

Frame Rate: 29.97

Time Length: 30 Seconds

Music: Not provided

Download File size: 69Mb

Download File Format: Zip File

MP4 Video Included


$ 9.00

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