Animation created by Motion Island on: March 11, 2016
Animation Description: This After Effects Instagram template animation is great for businesses or individual that want to promote and show their social media presence. The animation details the growth of a business or page on Instagram through stylized motion graphics. You can input your own details, logo and photos to personalize the motion animation.
This animation can be used to various types of businesses or persons of interest, such as artists, singers, models, retail stores, labels, products, etc.
The animation starts out with the Instagram name and logo in motion, which then moves up to give space for the company's logo. Then, a 3-D screen shot of a phone's Instagram screen rotates and you will see the numbers of posts and followers increasing in rapid succession while the posts move upwards. The screen then rotates again and focuses on one post where the likes and views increase. You will also be able to see the Instagram popup of likes. The screen turns a few more times with different posts, but the pop ups are all varied (likes, comments, or likes, comments and followers together in one popup. The last screen shows the Instagram logo with your personalized @address.
The animation is crisp, colorful and smooth. The background alternates between a saturated Instagram colored backdrop with overexposed glitter bubbles, a simple white background, and a lighter spectrum of the Instagram colors.
Music is not provided and can be purchase here
Feel free to send any question you might have here.